This Journey Is 1% Finished

This blog serves a couple of purposes:

  1. To document my learning

  2. As a place to improve my writing skills

  3. As a place where I can document various ideas and problems that I think about

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hi, welcome to my blog!");

In the upcoming years I have set a couple of goals ahead for myself, and in the process of making progress towards those goals I expect to learn a lot. I believe that a blog would be a great way to capture my growth, not just as an engineer, but as a person too.

A little about myself. I’m really interested in artificial intelligence (machine learning and computer vision), distributed systems, and C++ (which I’m learning). I feel like these technologies are and will be the core of the products that power our future. I spend most of my time reading and writing code - when I’m not doing that, I’m usually on Hacker News, or I’m trying to pick up a new technology/language.

Facebook’s internal motto serves as the title of this blog because I believe that success is the progressive realization and achievement of a worthy goal, a long term goal to aim for that can never truly be achieved. There is always more to learn and room for growth.

Everything posted in this blog are my ideas and opinions only, and do not reflect the opinions or views of my employer.